Адрес фирмы:


PTV, spol. s r.o.
Čsl. armády 23, 253 01 Hostivice
Česká republika

Tel.: +420 220 981 430
Fax: +420 220 980 419
E-mail: email

IČ: 00222640
DIČ: CZ00222640

GPS: 50.081385, 14.259546 

příjezd od Kladna 

příjezd od Prahy

Региональные менеджеры  


 Martin Jaroš 
 ( www.ptv.cz )
 +420 220 981 430 
 hovoří česky
 E-mail: email 
 hovoří česky writes english 


 Ing. Jekatěrina Růčková  
 ( www.ptv.cz/ru/ )
 +420 220 981 430 
 hovoří česky  writes english 
 hovoří česky  writes english 


 Ing. Hana Měšťánková   
 ( www.ptv.cz/en/ )
 +420 220 981 430 
  hovoří česky writes english 
  hovoří česky writes english 


 Przemysław Prajsnar   
 ( http://wwww.ptv.com.pl )
 +48 531 303 553 
  writes english 
  writes english 


Svetlana Korchykova
 +420 220 981 430
 +420 733 164 831
 hovoří česky writes english 
 hovoří česky writes english

Запасные части 

 Světlana Korčyková 
 +420 733 164 831 
  govori po rusky writes english 

  govori po rusky writes english

Техническая поддержка

Пнд - Пт 08-16:30 ч  (CET) 

 Pavel Holobrada   
 Technical Support Manager
 +420 737 288 646 
 hovoří česky writes english govori po rusky 
 hovoří česky writes english govori po rusky

 Elena Osinceva 
 Technical Support
 +420 730 195 833 
 hovoří česky govori po rusky writes english 
 píše česky govori po rusky writes english 


официальные представители :

Austria / Австрия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Härtel Laser & Wasser 
Eichenstraße 65, 42659, Solingen, Germany  email +49-212-38 216 571

Bulgaria / Болгария

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Terratech Industrial Ltd.
Aleko Konstantinov 26 / office1, 1505 Sofia, Bulgaria email +359 2 858 11 94

Finland / Финляндия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Machinery Oy
Ansatie 5, 01740, Vantaa, Suomi email 020 163 0300

Germany / Германия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :

Härtel Laser & Wasser 

Eichenstraße 65, 42659, Solingen, Germany email +49-212-38 216 571

Hungary / Венгрия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Aquatero Kft. - Budapest
Kozma u. 7, 1108, Budapest, Hungary email +36 1 783-3581

Morroco / Марокко

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
MECALVA s.a.r.l.
60. Bd Ibnou Tachfine, 20310, Casablanca, Maroc email +375 296513068

Netherlands / Нидерланды

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Cinnova BV
Koenermaat 30, 7943JG, Meppel-Drenthe, Nederland email 0620076415

Portugal / Португалия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
NDC - Máquinas e Ferramentas Industriais
Rua Pinto de Araújo, 22, 1º esq., 4450-774, Leça da Palmeira, Portugal email +351 229 378 446

Serbia / Сербия

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Water Power Technology doo
Ulofa Palmea 8a. 11160, Beograd, Srbija email +38111 7432422

Sweden / Швеция

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
First Machinery Group Sweden AB
Låsblecksgatan 12, 589 41, Linköping, Sweden email +46 13 161020

Switzerland / Швейцария

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
Härtel Laser & Wasser 
Eichenstraße 65, 42659, Solingen, Germany  email +49-212-38 216 571

Ukraine / Украина

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
OOО «ОГМ-Технология»
ул. М.Котельникова, д. 51 / 51, M. Kotelnikova str., 03115, Киев / Kiev, Украина / Ukraine email +38 (095) 920-95-20
OOO ПКФ «ФБР» - Харьков *
ул. Тарасовская, 6, / 6 Tarasovskaya Ave, 61008, Харьков / Kharkiv, Украина / Ukraine email +38 (050) 323 36 52
* Regions : Kharkhiv - Dnipropetrovsk - Zaporizhzhia - Kherson - Mykolaiv - Odesskaya

U.S.A. / США

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
1145 85th Ave SE, Tumwater, WA 98501-5708 email 1-866-928-3753

Vietnam / Вьетнам

Company :Address :E-mail :Telephone number :
No 68 Tran Quoc Toan Str.,Tran Hung Dao Ward., Hoan Kiem Dist., Ha noi City, Viet Nam email +84-4.3200 7168

  • Härtel Laser & Wasser  

    GPS: 51°09'12.3"/N 7°05'37.4"E

    Street no.: Eichenstraße 65
    Zip code: 42659
    City: Solingen
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49-212-38 216 571
    Fax: +49-212-64 544 811

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.haertel-laser-und-wasser.de

    Sales Department equipment
    Udo Simbeck

    Mobil: +49-173-46 09 274
    Skype: MaschinenHaertel
    E-mail: email

  • Härtel Laser & Wasser  


    GPS: 51°09'12.3"/N 7°05'37.4"E

    Street no.: Eichenstraße 65
    Zip code: 42659
    City: Solingen
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49-212-38 216 571
    Fax: +49-212-64 544 811

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.haertel-laser-und-wasser.de

    Sales Department equipment D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-38 216 571
    Skype: MaschinenHaertel

    Spare parts Department D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-18 091 973
    Skype: Laser+Wasser Härtel
    E-mail: email

  • Härtel Laser & Wasser  


    GPS: 51°09'12.3"/N 7°05'37.4"E

    Street no.: Eichenstraße 65
    Zip code: 42659
    City: Solingen
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49-212-38 216 571
    Fax: +49-212-64 544 811

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.haertel-laser-und-wasser.de

    Sales Department equipment D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-38 216 571
    Skype: MaschinenHaertel

    Spare parts Department D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-18 091 973
    Skype: Laser+Wasser Härtel

  • Härtel Laser & Wasser  


    GPS: 51°09'12.3"/N 7°05'37.4"E

    Street no.: Eichenstraße 65
    Zip code: 42659
    City: Solingen
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49-212-38 216 571
    Fax: +49-212-64 544 811

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.haertel-laser-und-wasser.de

    Sales Department equipment D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-38 216 571
    Skype: MaschinenHaertel

    Spare parts Department D-A-CH
    Verkauf + techn. Beratung
    Sales + technical Advice

    Telephone: +49-212-18 091 973
    Skype: Laser+Wasser Härtel
    E-mail: email

  • Виктор Петручик  

    Виктор Петручик/Viktor Piatruchyk

    GPS: 53°55'34.6"N 27°41'23.5"E

    Street no.: ул. Купревича 10,офис 3108,"Академгородок", ФТИ НАНБ / 10.Kuprevicha str.,3108,"Akademgorodok", PHTI NASB
    Zip code: 220141
    City: г. Минск / Minsk
    Country: Белоруссия / Belarus

    Tel.: +375 296513068

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.ptv.cz/ru

    Отдел продаж оборудования / Sales Department equipment
    Виктор Петручик / Viktor Piatruchyk

    GSM: +375 296513068
    E-mail: email

    Отдел продаж запасных частей / Spare parts Department
    Виктор Петручик / Viktor Piatruchyk

    GSM: +375 296513068
    E-mail: email

    Сервисная служба / Tech Support
    Виктор Петручик / Viktor Piatruchyk

    GSM: +375 296513068
    Emergency contact: +375 296513068
    E-mail: email

  • inha GmbH, NL Meißen 

    GPS:51.191853, 13.505359

    Street no.: Gewerbegebiet Nr. 2
    Zip code: 01689
    City: Niederau
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49 3521 7613-26
    Fax(Direkt): +49 30 68376-8-526
    Fax(Allgemein): +49 3521 761388

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.inha.de

    Sales Department equipment
    Lutz Teuscher

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: 0175-9394914
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Lutz Teuscher

    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: 0175-9394914
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Lutz Teuscher

    Tech Support

    GSM: 0175-9394914
    Emergency contact: 0175-9394914
    E-mail: email

  • WMT - Wilhelm, Fertigungslösungen 

    GPS:48.210156, 8.403038

    Street no.: Schlangenbühl Nr. 43
    Zip code: 78713
    City: Schramberg
    Country: Germany

    Tel.: +49 7422 520523
    Fax: +49 7422 520524
    GSM: +49 171 3490927


    Web: www.ptv.cz/en

    Sales Department equipment
    Klaus WILHELM

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: +49 171 3490927

    Spare parts Department
    Klaus WILHELM

    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: +49 171 3490927

    Tech Support
    Klaus WILHELM

    Tech Support

    GSM: +49 171 3490927
    Emergency contact: +49 171 3490927

  • ZAO «SMK» - Moscow 

    ЗАО «Современная Машиностроительная Компания»

    GPS: 55.733714, 37.577727

    Street no.: ул. Россолимо, д. 17 / 17, Rossolimo str.
    Zip code: 119021
    City: Москва / Moscow
    Country: Россия / Russia

    Tel.: +7 (495) 783-47-94
    Tel.: +7 (495) 783-47-95
    Fax: +7 (495) 783-47-94

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.smkom.ru

    Отдел продаж оборудования / Sales Department equipment
    Николай Мазаев / Nikolay Mazaev
    Руководитель отдела оборудования ГАР
    Department manager

    GSM: +7 905 511 40 29
    E-mail: email

    Отдел продаж запасных частей / Spare parts Department
    Дмитрий Аниськин / Dmitriy Aniskin
    Специалист отдела продаж запасных частей
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +7 905 511 84 37
    E-mail: email

    Сервисная служба / Tech Support
    Роман Живаев / Roman Zhivaev
    Руководитель сервисной службы
    Head of service

    GSM: +7 925 082 13 68
    Emergency contact: +7 925 082 13 68
    E-mail: email

  • AO «TVIM» - Yekaterinburg 

    АО «Технология Воды и Металла»

    GPS: 56.870328, 60.647285

    Street no.: ул. Волховская, д. 20 / 20, Volkhovskaya str.
    Zip code: 620137
    City: Екатеринбург / Yekaterinburg
    Country: Россия / Russia

    Tel.: +7-(343)-383-11-07
    Tel.: +7-(343)-368-00-16
    Fax: +7-(343)-383-11-07

    E-mail: email

    Web: http://tvim.ru

    Отдел продаж оборудования / Sales Department equipment
    Вегелин Александр Александрович / Vegelin Alexander
    Начальник отдела продаж
    General Sales Manager

    GSM: +7-922-186-22-74
    E-mail: email

    Отдел продаж запасных частей / Spare parts Department
    Рябухин Игорь Николаевич / Ryabukhin Igor
    Менеджер по продаже запасных частей
    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: +7-922-122-42-28
    E-mail: email

    Сервисная служба / Tech Support
    Ростик Антон Валерьевич / Rostik Anton
    Техническая поддержка
    Tech Support

    GSM: +7-950-197-19-89
    Emergency contact: +7-950-197-19-89
    E-mail: email

  • Terratech Industrial Ltd. 

    GPS: 42.695257, 23.349904

    Street no.: Aleko Konstantinov 26 / office1
    Zip code: 1505
    City: Sofia
    Country: Bulgaria

    Tel.: +359 2 858 11 94
    Fax: +359 2 958 14 73

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.terratech-bg.com

    Sales Department equipment
    Zahari Tsonev

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: +359 888 70 78 47
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Zahari Tsonev

    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: +359 888 70 78 47
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Zahari Tsonev

    Tech Support

    Tel: +359 888 70 78 47
    Emergency contact: +359 888 70 78 47
    E-mail: email

  • First Machinery Group Sweden AB 

    GPS: 58.398498, 15.700078

    Street no.: Låsblecksgatan 12
    Zip code: 589 41
    City: Linköping
    Country: Sweden

    Tel.: +46 13 161020
    Fax: +46 13 161021

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.fmgab.se

    Sales Department equipment
    Per Gustafsson

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: +46 70 234 00 40
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Per Gustafsson

    Sales of spare parts

    Tel: +46 70 234 00 40
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Per Gustafsson

    Tech Support

    Tel: +46 70 234 00 40
    Emergency contact: +46 70 234 00 40
    E-mail: email

  • Machinery Oy 

    GPS: 60.295449, 24.926519

    Street no.: Ansatie 5
    Zip code: 01740
    City: Vantaa
    Country: Suomi

    Tel.: 020 163 0300

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.machinery.fi

    Sales Department equipment
    Kari Pirttilä

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: 020 163 0325
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Toni Mäkelä

    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: 020 163 0390
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Jani Huurne

    Tech Support

    Tel: 020 163 0396
    Emergency contact: 020 163 0396
    E-mail: email

  • Cinnova BV 

    GPS: 52.696972, 6.216127

    Street no.: Koenermaat 30
    Zip code: 7943JG
    City: Meppel-Drenthe
    Country: Nederland

    Tel.: 0620076415

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.cinnova.nl

    Sales Department equipment
    dhr. B. van Dalen

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: 0620076415
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    dhr. B. van Dalen

    Sales of spare parts

    GSM: 0620076415
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    dhr. B. van Dalen

    Tech Support

    Tel: 0620076415
    Emergency contact: 0620076415
    E-mail: email

  • Hostivice - Head Office 

    GPS: 55.733714, 37.577727

    Street no.: Čsl armády 23
    Zip code: 253 01
    City: Hostivice
    Country: Czech republic

    Tel.: +420 220 981 430
    Tel.: +420 313 039 601
    Fax: +420 220 980 419

    E-mail: email


    GPS: 21.040892, 105.778684


    Street no.:Room 1012, 10th floor, Pacific Place Building 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Str., Tran Hung Dao Ward, Hoan Kiem District
    Zip code:
    City:Ha noi City
    Country: Viet Nam

    Tel.: +84-4.3200 7168
    Fax: +84-4.3200 7468

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.franson.vn

    Sales Department equipment
    Ing.Nguyen Kim Son

    General Sales Manager

    Mobil: +84.0904895157
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Vu Duc Truong

    Sales of spare parts

    Tel: (0) 901775107
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Miroslav Kams

    Tech Support

    Tel: +8416 28 319966
    Emergency contact: +8416 28 319966
    E-mail: email

  • Aquatero Kft. - Budapest 

    GPS: 47°28'37.5"N 19°10'27.7"E

    Street no.: Kozma u. 7.
    Zip code: 1108
    City: Budapest
    Country: Hungary

    Tel.: +36 1 783-3581
    Fax: +36 1 700-4541

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.aquatero.hu

    Sales Department equipment
    Mészáros Sándor

    General Sales Manager

    GSM: +36 20 576-4407
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Réka Szloboda

    Sales of spare parts

    tel.: +36 1 783-3581
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Mészaros Sándor

    Tech Support

    GSM: +36 20 576-4407
    Emergency contact: +36 20 576-4407
    E-mail: email

  • MECALVA s.a.r.l. 

    GPS: 43.618852, 3.901817

    Street no.: 60. Bd Ibnou Tachfine
    Zip code: 20310
    City: Casablanca
    Country: Maroc

    Tel.: 00 212 5 22 45 10 44/45
    Tel.: 00 212 5 22 45 10 53/54
    Fax: 00 212 5 22 45 10 47

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.mecalva.com

    Sales Department equipment
    Mustapha BOUNOU

    Directeur Commercial

    GSM: 00 212 6 61 42 18 61
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Khallid AOUINAT

    Chef S.A.V.

    Tel: 00 212 6 61 39 59 64
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Khallid AOUINAT

    Chef S.A.V.

    Tel: 00 212 6 61 39 59 64
    Emergency contact: 00 212 6 61 39 59 64
    E-mail: email

  • NDC - Máquinas e Ferramentas Industriais 

    GPS: 41.190976, -8.693682

    Street no.:Rua Pinto de Araújo, 22, 1º esq.
    Zip code: 4450 - 774
    City: Leça da Palmeira
    Country: Portugal

    Tel.: +351 229 378 446
    Fax: +351 229 378 450

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.ndc.pt

    Sales Department equipment

    General Sales Manager

    Tel.: +351 229 378 446
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department

    Sales of spare parts

    Tel.: +351 229 378 446
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support

    Tech Support

    Tel.: +351 229 378 446
    Emergency contact: +351 229 378 446
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • Water Power Technology doo 

    GPS: N 44°47’25,953” / E 20°32’15,627”

    Street no.: Ulofa Palmea 8a.
    Zip code: 11160
    City: Beograd
    Country: Srbija

    Tel.: +38111 7432422
    Tel.: +38111 7432423
    Fax: +38111 7432422

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.wpt.rs

    Sales Department equipment
    Veličković Miloš

    GSM: +381642020765
    E-mail: email

    Spare parts Department
    Savanović Vanja
    Specialist sales of spare parts

    GSM: +381646422708
    E-mail: email

    Tech Support
    Đorđević Žarko
    Head of service

    GSM: +381646422707
    Emergency contact: +381646422707
    E-mail: email

  • OOO «OGMTECH» - Kiev 

    OOО «ОГМ-Технология»

    GPS: 50.451255, 30.368437

    Street no.: ул. М.Котельникова, д. 51 / 51, M. Kotelnikova str.
    Zip code: 03115
    City: Киев / Kiev
    Country: Украина / Ukraine

    Tel.: +38 (095) 920-95-20

    E-mail: email

    Web: www.ogmtech.com.ua

    Отдел продаж оборудования / Sales Department equipment
    Олег Грицюк / Oleg Grytsiuk

    GSM: +38 095 920-95-20
    E-mail: email

  • OOO ПКФ «ФБР» - Харьков 

    Regions : Kharkhiv - Dnipropetrovsk - Zaporizhzhia - Kherson - Mykolaiv - Odesskaya


    GPS: 49°59'02.0"N 36°15'55.6"E

    Street no.: ул. Тарасовская, 6, / 6 Tarasovskaya Ave
    Zip code: 61008
    City: г. Харьков / Kharkiv
    Country: Украина / Ukraine

    Tel.:+38 (050) 323 36 52
    fax: +38 (093) 150 24 76

    E-mail: email
    Web: www.fbr.com.ua

    Отдел продаж оборудования / Sales Department equipment
    Михаил Воевудский / Michael Voevudskiy

    tel.: +38 (050) 844 59 65
    fax: +38 (093) 150 24 76
    E-mail: email

    Генеральный директор/ General Director
    Олег Олейник / Oleg Oleynik

    tel.: +38 (050) 323 36 52
    E-mail: email

  • H2O JET 

    H2O JET

    GPS: 46°57'46.9"N 122°53'14.0"W

    Street no.: 1145 85th Ave SE
    Zip code: WA 98501-5708
    City: Tumwater
    Country: U.S.A.

    Local: 1-360-866-7161
    Toll Free: 1-866-928-3753
    fax: 1-360-866-7610


    Director of Sales and Marketing
    Alan Bennett

    tel.: 1-360-866-7161
    fax: 1-360-866-7610
    E-mail: email

    Hal Arnold

    tel.: 1-360-866-7161
    fax: 1-360-866-7610
    E-mail: email