
Phone: +420 220 981 430

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Firm news


Sirha Fair - Lyon

PTV is participating in the ongoing SIRHA trade fair in Lyon, France


Cake Cutting

Cutting Cakes with a High-pressure WaterJet


Stomblech 2022

Thank You for visit our stand at StomBlech fair in Kielce Poland

Service and Support

For users of waterjet machines and equipments we can offer a wide variety of service support or separate operations.
Generally the Introduction to the issue of maintenance and servicing of machines and equipment is started by initial training, which takes into account complex client needs to understand all the dependencies for smooth operation of the equipment together with achieving maximum desired product quality. These trainings courses take a few days and also include the practical part. Completion of training is confirmed by the Certificate.
The most commonly performed trainings are :
  • training for program CNC 886
  • training for program IGEMS or WRYKRYS
  • training for WJ machine operators, depending on WJ machine specification 
  • training for technology of HP Pump 
  • training on work safety
By completing of the training our support to the customer doesn´t stop. We continue to support him by means of our technical and programming teams that solve each stimulus with maximum effort in minimum time, oftenly immediately.
The most frequent questions asked by WJ technology users towards our  HOTLINE are connected with :
Despite of our  effort to minimize the wear and failures, either by good service or by careful maintenance,  after a certain time it´s neccessary to buy the spare/ consumable parts or you can order a professional service. Our employees are constantly trained and we can always offer the best variant of service to our customers .                          
  • The complete service for all parts of the WJ technology produced since 1995 year.
  • In the case of reselling of WJ machine, we bring a new user to the topic together with the general overhaul
These services are offered to :
  • Machine users
  • Machine producers
  • Service teams