Firm news


Sirha Fair - Lyon

PTV is participating in the ongoing SIRHA trade fair in Lyon, France


Cake Cutting

Cutting Cakes with a High-pressure WaterJet


Stomblech 2022

Thank You for visit our stand at StomBlech fair in Kielce Poland

REPRINT : Important notice from company IGEMS

REPRINT : Important notice from company IGEMS
Hi ,
To ensure that we are focusing on the right things, IGEMS will no longer give support for IGEMS R3 - R9 from the first of June 2015. It won’t be possible to buy those licences or use them for updates, neither will it be possible for us to make postprocessors.
Because of this, we are announcing a campaign, where your customers and our users can update their licences with an additional 30% discount from the normal update price. This campaign is valid till the end of may for all R3 - R9 licences with an annual maintenance date expired prior to January 2011 and will include free updates till the end of 2015 for version R2015.4.
Since the users can’t update their R3 - R9 licences after the end of may, we can no longer keep that customer exclusive for you. Any reseller will have the right to sell a new licence to them.
When you want to update a user, log in to the online form and make an order as usual. If the customer is granted the discount, the online form will detect it and automatically calculate the price.

Here's more info about the campaign.
Update Campaign 2015

The IGEMS team